Lodge No.5315 meeting in the Province of Northumberland


Here are some links to videos about Famous Freemasons which are to be found on the UGLE web site

(You will need the Adobe Flash Player Plug-In to view these.)

  1. Sir Ernest Shackleton

    A short video giving a look the life of the Polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton

  2. David Nixon

    A short video giving a look the life of the TV magician David Nixon

  3. Sir Alexander Fleming

    In this video we look at the discoverer of Penicillin, Sur Alexander Fleming

  4. Earl Alexander of Tunis

    Field Marshall the Earl Alexander of Tunis was also a freemason

  5. Lord Leverhulme

    An example of starting at the bottom and working your way up, William Lever started as a grocer's assistant and finally became a Viscount for his charitable works

  6. Sir Arthur Sullivan

    Sir Arthur Sullivan of "Gilbert and Sullivan" fame was another Famous Freemaon

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